Poiein: the waybe-space for poetry
The review of poetic art called poiein is a web-space dedicated to poems, poets and poetry (…possibly) from around the world. The inspirational force behind it is the poet Sotiris Pastakas and its departure point the year 2002 (to begin with as a personal web-page). Since December 2006 it exists in the form of an electronic literary magazine, updated daily, with eleven permanent columns. At the time of writing it has published 519 scripts (for the most part unpublished) and has discussed 1141 readers’ comments.
It refers to selected links for poetry, but not exclusively, (personal blogs, electronic magazines, music sites etc), with daily visitation of 607 readers (may 2007). It affords its readers, gratis, the e-books “The Good Reader’s Pectoral’ by S. Pastakas and “Notes of a good person’ by G Chrysoulis (in preparation).
- Bar open: readings and conversations.
- Poetry Academy: poets from all around the world.
- Around Thirty: young (and in many cases) new-coming poets.
- Piazza Grande: activities, presentations, invitations, contests, festivals.
- Harvest: presentations of books sent to “poiein’.
- Purgatorio: Greek “deminents’, an anthology of the Greek underground.
- Poiein cafe: small articles concerning the big side-effects of the book trade.
- Podcasts: poetry radio: poems, poets and… music (possibly) every Saturday morning.
- Dressing Room : poetry school, free lessons by correspondence: critical elaboration of poems with the help of everybody via the comments facility.
- Reload: the new read the new and the … ex-new: critical readings of beloved poetry books.
- Spontaneous Anthology: modern Greek poetry, chosen and presented by the friends of “poiein’ and which suggests poems rather than names.
- Direction: Sotiris Pastakas
- Editors: ÓùôÞñçò ÐáóôÜêáò- Óðýñïò ÁñáâáíÞò
- Ordinal Contributors: Óïößá Êïëïôïýñïõ, Ãéþñãïò Ìß÷ïò, ÄçìÞôñçò Êáíåëëüðïõëïò, ÃéÜííçò ÐáððÜò, Èåïäüóçò Âïëêþö, Íßêïò ËÝêêáò, Yiannis Goumas, ÓùêñÜôçò ÎÝíïò, ÍÝóôïñáò ÐïõëÜêïò, Ìé÷Üëçò Ðáðáíôùíüðïõëïò, Êüìçò ÊïììÜôéá, Ðáíáãéþôçò ËéíáñäÜêçò, Jack Hirschman, Öþôçò Ðáðáäüðïõëïò, Casa della Poesia, Francesco Napoli, ÓôñÜôïò Öïõíôïýëçò, Âüáò, Ãéþôá Áñãõñïðïýëïõ.
- Graphic Arts: Γιώργος Εγγλέζος www.interten.gr
- Electronic Communication: sotiris[at]poiein[dot]gr êáé spiros[at]poiein[dot]gr
For the posting of printed materials: Mr S. Pastakas, 12A El Venizelos Road, 17121 Nea smirni – Spiros Aravanis, Epaminonda 41B,Ano Glifada